ああ言えばfor you。 [B!] このすばのアクアとかいうアホ可愛い女神wwwwwwwww : ああ言えばForYou

[B!] このすばのアクアとかいうアホ可愛い女神wwwwwwwww : ああ言えばForYou

ああ言えばfor you

Thank you for writing in English!!!! Actually, I discovered from the people who commented on this post that it doesn't mean "know-it-all. " Maybe it means someone who is never at a lost for words but I guess it depends on the context. Yes, I think it's natural for most people to feel more comfortable to have a more relaxed behavior with friends, family, or certain groups. There are others who are always know-it-alls. Thank you! Honestly, I'm not sure if I totally understand the meaning of that proverb yet. Of course, I don't know everything. I agree, I don't think Japanese women are brought up to speak their opinions very much. Japanese men too perhaps. Japanese want to avoid confrontation and that is understandable. Nobody likes confrontation. Although, in Japan it is delicate where somebody might think of you as めんどくさい but someplace else it is just the normal daily questioning and sharing of ideas. It's all relative. In the USA, especially in NYC, we question everything. If somebody says "You can't do that" we would automatically say "Why not? " or "Yes I can. " We are always questioning authority. I guess it's a different way to achieve our own harmony : In Japan, I feel that people accept many things without asking why or questioning authority. Especially as a foreigner here, many times people say "no" because they just don't want to deal with a foreigner and I have to say "why" or "yes I can" to actually get it done. Well, that is enough for now. Thank you for your comments. When I was a student, there are no debate or discussion classes. The teachers gave their lecture and the students just listened to the lecture. Japanese men don't like 生意気(なまいき)な女. Japanese men like reserved and quiet women. haha Welcome to めんどくさい my Lang-8 friends! It reads to sharing of ideas. けんかではない。 It's not to get fight. I'm Japanese woman and I'm not fighting with anyone, either. haha Oh, it's not fighting but I have an unpleasant experience here. A man wrote his entry about Lang-8. He criticized the advertizement of Lang-8. I wrote "I know it's annoying but Lang-8 needs money" He deleted my comment and sent me his mean message. I didn't say anything to him, though. That's good but don't some Japanese women like to fight? I hope so : Sorry to hear about your bad experience. Yeah, I recently noticed that there are a lot of advertisements here. You are right. Lang-8 has to pay their bills and this site probably wouldn't exist if they couldn't generate money from advertising. That was mean of him. He was probably a foreigner, right :.



ああ言えばfor you

私の方からせっかくの機会だから 言えば、今日、全銀協(全国銀行協会)の会長がお出でになられまして、当面、中小企業、零細企業向けの融資の実態、これが本来は当事者間できちんとやっていけばいいことなのだけれども、残念ながら前から皆さん方にも言っているように、小泉・竹中さんの ああ いう間違った金融政策のもとで、うちの金融庁自体が、この適正ではない方向で末端での指導をしたと いう経緯の中で、しかし去年あたりから金融庁自体もそれを修正して、あるべき検査・監督に変えていくと いう、一生懸命努力して頑張っていますよね。 だけれども、残念ながら、そうした貸し手と借り手との関係がうまく理想どおりにいっていない。 そう いう中で、経済が今の非常に厳しい、特に中小企業にとって厳しい状況下にあって、そう いう中小・零細企業が潰れないで頑張っていくためには、本来、経済が本調子でちゃんといっている場合は、しっかりした中小企業はきちんと資金繰りをしていけるわけだけれども、なかなか当面仕事も来ないと いうような、これは中小企業者の責任と いうことではなくて経済全体の責任です。 with ZENGINKYO. and , the and that themselves. , you, the and Takenaka. - 金融庁 例文 アメリカは ああ いう自由な国でもございますし、非常に民主主義、私はアメリカと いう国は、非常に変化が激しくて、そして非常に多様な国だと思います。 多様な価値観がある国だと思いますよ。 ですから、規制改革をして、本当にこの20年、30年、特に金融に関しては、ウォール街を中心に金融工学の発達もございましたし、世界の金余りと いうのがある、それも非常にアメリカに集中してきたと いうこともございまして、新しい分野を開くといいますか、それはアメリカ人らしいフロンティア精神、よく 言えばフロンティア精神、しかし、それがご存じのように、一つの企業だけではリスクテイクできなくなっていく、ご存じのようにリーマン・ブラザーズと いう投資銀行が崩壊、破綻したわけですね。 それがご存じのように、もう非常に世界の金融ショック、世界の経済の中心がやはり何といってもアメリカでしたから、もうだから、そのために、しかしご存じのように、結局は納税者にそのツケを持ってくるのかと。 The , — a , indeed. Those the that , , that were Street. that , , was into the , their spirit. , where their , , , the and the bank. This the 's was, , the The the end. - 金融庁.



ああ言えばfor you

Thank you for writing in English!!!! Actually, I discovered from the people who commented on this post that it doesn't mean "know-it-all. " Maybe it means someone who is never at a lost for words but I guess it depends on the context. Yes, I think it's natural for most people to feel more comfortable to have a more relaxed behavior with friends, family, or certain groups. There are others who are always know-it-alls. Thank you! Honestly, I'm not sure if I totally understand the meaning of that proverb yet. Of course, I don't know everything. I agree, I don't think Japanese women are brought up to speak their opinions very much. Japanese men too perhaps. Japanese want to avoid confrontation and that is understandable. Nobody likes confrontation. Although, in Japan it is delicate where somebody might think of you as めんどくさい but someplace else it is just the normal daily questioning and sharing of ideas. It's all relative. In the USA, especially in NYC, we question everything. If somebody says "You can't do that" we would automatically say "Why not? " or "Yes I can. " We are always questioning authority. I guess it's a different way to achieve our own harmony : In Japan, I feel that people accept many things without asking why or questioning authority. Especially as a foreigner here, many times people say "no" because they just don't want to deal with a foreigner and I have to say "why" or "yes I can" to actually get it done. Well, that is enough for now. Thank you for your comments. When I was a student, there are no debate or discussion classes. The teachers gave their lecture and the students just listened to the lecture. Japanese men don't like 生意気(なまいき)な女. Japanese men like reserved and quiet women. haha Welcome to めんどくさい my Lang-8 friends! It reads to sharing of ideas. けんかではない。 It's not to get fight. I'm Japanese woman and I'm not fighting with anyone, either. haha Oh, it's not fighting but I have an unpleasant experience here. A man wrote his entry about Lang-8. He criticized the advertizement of Lang-8. I wrote "I know it's annoying but Lang-8 needs money" He deleted my comment and sent me his mean message. I didn't say anything to him, though. That's good but don't some Japanese women like to fight? I hope so : Sorry to hear about your bad experience. Yeah, I recently noticed that there are a lot of advertisements here. You are right. Lang-8 has to pay their bills and this site probably wouldn't exist if they couldn't generate money from advertising. That was mean of him. He was probably a foreigner, right :.
