オープニング (執務室 昼) [エーデルガルト] ……よし、と。 戦線が動いたから兵站の見直しも必要ね。 働き者だ• 邪魔をして悪かった• 「働き者だ」を選択 [エーデルガルト] 下の者に任せられることは、 すべて任せたいのだけれどね。 気分転換にもなる。 火急の用でして。 それなりの規模という報告です。 フォドラの喉元?• 「フォドラの喉元?」を選択 [ヒューベルト] はい。 ホルスト卿?• なるほど• 「ホルスト卿?」を選択 [ヒューベルト] ホルスト卿はゴネリル公の嫡子で、 ヒルダ殿の兄ですよ。 「なるほど」を選択(共通へ) 《共通》 [エーデルガルト] ホルスト卿は一騎当千の将。 それを欠いた ゴネリル家の苦戦は理解できるわ。 それを示す良い機会と捉えるわ。 出陣する(外伝戦闘へ)• 考えさせて(準備に戻る)• 「出陣する(外伝戦闘へ)」を選択 [エーデルガルト] ええ、準備が終わり次第、出発するわ。 パルミラ軍が喉元を過ぎる前に、ね。 「考えさせて(準備に戻る)」を選択 [エーデルガルト] そう。 私たちにも準備がある。 少しだけ待つわ。 厄介な隣人だ• 仲良くしては?• 「厄介な隣人だ」を選択 [エーデルガルト] ええ、そうね。 できることなら友好関係を築きたいわ。 「仲良くしては?」を選択 [エーデルガルト] それができるならね……。 修好でも何でもしてやるわ。 絶対に、見ないほうが。 そこまで言われると見たい• そこまで言われては見ないようにしよう• 「そこまで言われると見たい」を選択 [エーデルガルト] そ、そうね。 貴方は見てくるといいわ。 「そこまで言われては見ないようにしよう」を選択 [エーデルガルト] わかった。 それなら私だけ見に行こうかしら。 くくく……。 皇帝危うきに近寄らず、よ。
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次のSite News Warning: This wiki contains spoilers. Read at your own risk! : Get in touch with Fire Emblem Wiki on , , or! MediaWiki update: Fire Emblem Wiki has been updated to MediaWiki 1. If you notice any errors, please report them to a member of our. New feature: Tooltips now work on mobile browsers. Tap on the text to view the tooltip. Contents• Plot Main article: This section has been marked as a. Please help improve the page by adding information. Chapter data This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody. This is one of the most difficult paralogues to defeat using "normal" strategies, especially on the higher difficulties. Almyra has read the strategy guide that Wyvern Lords and Bow Knights are very good, so if you hold back and defend, you'll have to deal with an onslaught of units with absolutely massive threat range, making it very difficult to safely position your units. As usual, fliers are very useful for maneuvering quickly around this gap and forest filled map if you choose to try to defeat everything, but be ready with the "Dismount" command if there's a Bow Knight in range of where the flier ends up. Which there probably will be. If you're okay with missing out on the items to steal, a more sanity-preserving way to win is just to immediately try to complete the objective of defeating Nader rather than withstanding the onslaught. Nader is a physical defense tank, but his magic defense is very bad. The safest and easiest way is to move up to the center of the map using Stride on turn 1, then go for a turn 2 victory with a long-range magic user and another Stride use. Warlock with 2 Meteors and a Dancer to let her Meteor twice on turn 2 is probably the safest way. also packs Meteor if you've built him but not Dorothea. If you want to get up-close and personal, 's Warp spell on turn 2 can help a Stride'd mage also get in range of Nader as well, if you recruited her. If you're set on stealing the Aurora Shield, Warp can also be used on a thief to set up that steal before raining magical flaming rocks on Nader. Please help improve the page by adding information. References Insurmountable Playable characters• Other• Non-playable characters• Bosses• Personal weapons and regalia• Chapters Part I Prologue:• 10:• 11:• 14:• 15:• 16:• 17:• 18:• 19:• 20:• 21: Azure Moon 13:• 14:• 15:• 16:• 17:• 18:• 19:• 20:• 21:• 22: Verdant Wind 13:• 14:• 15:• 16:• 17:• 18:• 19:• 20:• 21:• 22: Crimson Flower 13:• 14:• 15:• 16:• 17:• Part II• Cindered Shadows DLC side story 1:• 7: Locations• Groups, objects and concepts• Related topics•