[夜] ¥3,000~¥3,999 [昼] ¥1,000~¥1,999 支払い方法 カード可 (JCB、AMEX、VISA) サービス料・ チャージ 16時以降、お通し¥300 席・設備 席数 50席 個室 無 禁煙・喫煙 全席喫煙可 2020年4月1日より受動喫煙対策に関する法律(改正健康増進法)が施行されています。 最新の情報は店舗にお問い合わせください。 駐車場 無 空間・設備 席が広い、オープンテラスあり 携帯電話 docomo、au、SoftBank、Y! mobile メニュー ドリンク 日本酒あり、焼酎あり 料理 魚料理にこだわる 特徴・関連情報 利用シーン | こんな時によく使われます。 ロケーション 隠れ家レストラン サービス テイクアウト お子様連れ 子供可 ホームページ オープン日 2009年10月20日 お店のPR 築地まぐろの解体師が運営する魚やの片すみで、お食事はいかがですか!? タカマル鮮魚店では、毎朝とれたて新鮮な高級築地鮮魚を中卸価格で調理・販売いたします。 食べ方はお客様しだい!刺身・お寿司など、なんなりとお申し付けください。 日本酒、焼酎も30種以上、当店自慢の秋田の銘酒「高清水」は樽酒でもご用意しております。 女性に人気の創作・カニクリームコロッケは、その日入荷の毛ガニやタラバ、ずわい蟹など、カニごとのっけちゃいますヨ。 ワインもおすすめ!樽から直接お出しします!... 続きを読む 初投稿者 最近の編集者• タカマル鮮魚店 関連ランキング:魚介・海鮮料理 新宿西口駅、西武新宿駅、西新宿駅.
次のwindow. page. init JSON. japan. japan. japan. japan. japan. japan. japan. japan. japan. tripadvisor. page. init JSON. tripadvisor. rollupAmdShim. userAgent. indexOf 'MSIE 10. userAgent. toLowerCase. userAgent. toLowerCase. indexOf "msie 11. appVersion. height - window. userAgent. test navigator. test navigator. plugins['Shockwave Flash']. ShockwaveFlash'. RequestFileSystem window. webkitRequestFileSystem; if! fs typeof fs! exportTo exports, "ta. define. rollupAmdShim. define. element. find ". questions" ; if! util. error. element. find ". find ". finalMessage". element. find '. answer'. target ; if! answerElem. closest ". util. error. closest ". element. find ". questions" ; if! util. error. record! questionElem? find ". checkbox-checked". find ". removeClass "checkbox-border" ; answerElem. find ". attr "data-security-token" ; if! util. error. param rather than Object. toQueryString to generate url, since it seems that Object. js, which should not be present on newer responsive pages new ta. util. util. error. attr "data-id" ; if! parse ls. push id ; ls. element. find ". question" ; if! util. error. element. find ". define. getElementsByClassName "contentChoice" [0]. img. naturalWidth! document. body. A width of 0 indicates the element is not visible. Don't send another. require ["trhtml! We don't need its content. querySelector '. mapImg' ; if! newContainer! define. taBrowser. taBrowser. documentElement. documentElement. win win. closed typeof win. setPIDCookie 38821 ; window. define. getAttribute 'data-clickSource' , 'label': el. source, action "CLICK", label info. define. querySelector ". classList. querySelector ". messageContainer. messageContainer. getAttribute "data-persist-once-per-geo" ; taRecord. querySelector ". primaryText[data-link]. target. split ' ' ; taRecord. addGARecordMevt. apply taRecord, babelHelpers. trackElement event. target, widget. target. classList; if classList. define. choices', widget. more-options', widget. element. checked; Filters[isChecked? 'set' : 'clear'] paramName, target. parentElement. getAttribute 'data-tracker' , target. checked? element. node-preserve', widget. element. split ','. element. get. valMap[input. node-preserve', widget. element. node-preserve', widget. element. define. choices', widget. more-options', widget. element. name', widget. element. html , null, allOptionsContent, 'div' , Position. parentElement. getAttribute 'data-tracker' , 0 ; Filters. set paramName, element. element. element. node-preserve', widget. element. removeClass "is-hidden-tablet" ; widget. node-preserve', widget. element. node-preserve', widget. element. Event'. pageXOffset document. documentElement. scrollLeft, window. pageYOffset document. documentElement. this. form. elements['q']. value. form. locNotFound. hidden". addClass 'focusClear' ; elmt. selectPopup. langSelectOption', selectPopup. selectPopup. val el. 1 : 2 ; selectedField. html el. max oldwidth, newwidth ; selectedField. removeClass 'hidden' ; if selectedField. location. location. location. length? selectedFilter. taStore. widgets. calendar. result. LODGING". getRepoll ; repoll. setPageUrl href ; repoll. exportTo taSearch, 'ta. common. str! str. parse sessionStorage. results. resolve response deferred. resolve response deferred. push ' ' ; results. rendered]; html. push ' ' ; html. push e. title ; html. push ' ' ; html. push '' ; e. type; tmpElm. firstChild. push results. map itemWrap. join '' ; html. exports. iconFontMap : exports. keys avatars. '' : details. choice. avatar? getAvatarUrl choice. iconMap[choice. parent. poiClasses; if! geoClasses; html. push ' ' ; html. push ' ' ; if options. push ' ' ; html. push typeof choice. choice. order : '?? ' ; html. choice. score : '?? push name ; if choice. details. push ' ' ; html. push ' ' ; if choice. ' user-avatar' : ''; html. push ' ' ; html. details. details. choice. details. push '' ; html. push '' ; if options. type. scope. results. push choice ; if choice. children. data. query. push '• name. push '• escapeHTML search. name. details. name, ' ', choice. details. address, '' ]. data. results! data. results. push '• ' ; if r. title! title; html. push r. rendered ; html. push '' ; return html. type? choice. type. push ' ' ; s. push ' ' ; s. push choice. rendered ; s. push '' ; if choiceInfo. headerType! push '' ; return s. source. value. options. options. value. options. value. options. clearDefaultTextOnFocus! options. source. removeClass this. options. defaultTextClass ; this. source. options. options. this. preventDefault ; evnt. stopPropagation ; if this. options. results. options. setSelectedIndex this. options. call this ; this. options. this. options. validator this. options. options. getUrlFromForm this. source. event. type : ""; this. options. abortSearch ; this. hide ; this. source. form. highlightNextChoice ; evnt. preventDefault ; evnt. hightlightPreviousChoice ; evnt. preventDefault ; evnt. restore ; this. options. this. preventDefault ; evnt. stopPropagation ; this. options. options. this. source. value. source. value; if this. clearTimeout this. this. options. enableQueryDelay this. results. setSelectedIndex this. options. cycleInput? geoId : undefined, fromHistory: fromHistory, hadHistory: hadHistory, type : result. type, value : val, indexInType : result. indexInType? result. indexInType : 0, tagId : result. tagId? result. tagId : 0, source : name, startTime : startTime, selDepth : idx, isChild : result. isChild, totalNum : totalN, userInteractionType : userInteractionType, errors : errors, query : query, dataType : result. this. options. options. options. options. options. staticResults. options. staticResults. history. options. staticResults. history. results. options. name, startTime: this. options. startTime, source: source, linkedTypeAhead : this. options. linkedTypeAhead? this. options. linkedTypeAhead. options. startTime : void 0, hadHistory: hadHistory, scope: geoId, searchSessionId: getSearchSessionId this. options. options. options. source. removeClass this. options. defaultTextClass ; this. source. call this ; if! this. options. options. lastSuccessfulQuery! query; if this. options. options. options. options. this. this. options. options. call this ; if this. bind this , this. options. tabPressed; this. this. options. restoreOnFocus this. options. this. setSelectedIndex -1 ; this. container. options. select tabPressed, tabPressed? options. autoSelectFirst? 0 : -1; if this. options. results. options. setSelectedIndex this. options. call this ;! select tabPressed, tabPressed? source. source. options. defaultValue; if this. options. addClass this. source, this. options. options. options. tagName! hasClass elmt, selector typeof elmt. tagName. options. results. options. items. setSelectedIndex i ; highlightChoice. source. options. options. options. options. find this. options. options. options. options. source. source. form. elements. source. form. elements[i]; if this. source. form. options. options. syncro. query , value : this. source. value , result : this. results [ this. this. show onBlur. options. options. options. prototype. options. options. prototype. renderResults this. addClass this. container, this. options. errorClass ; api. addClass this. source, this. options. errorClass ;! render this. options. errorTemplate error ; this. options. options. prototype. this. container. container. container. prototype. this. container this. visible! this. container. childNodes. getPosition this. getSize this. x pos. y pos. top; if this. options. container. style. container. style. container. style. options. hasClass document. container. style. container. style. options. options. container. style[this. options. options. container. style. options. container. style. container. style. options. options. getSize this. container ; this. container. style. options. container. style. options. options. options. onShow this ; if this. options. options. onResize. bind null, this ; api. addEvent window, 'resize', this. prototype. this. visible! this. options. hasClass document. container. style. container. style. container. style[typeof this. options. this. options. options. options. onHide this ; if this. removeEvent window, 'resize', this. prototype. prototype. prototype. hide ; if this. selected. removeClass 'selected' ; self. items [ self. selectedIndex ]; api. addClass self. selected, 'selected' ; self. source. options. resolveSelection self. results [ self. selectedIndex ] ; self. options. options. onSelect self. results [ self. selectedIndex ], self. source. options. options. onSync self. query, self. source. value, self. results [ self. this. source. query ; this. prototype. setSelectedIndex -1 ; this. prototype. prototype. prototype. source. options. prototype. results data; if! api. query. query this. normalized. normalized. getStaticResultsMatchingQuery query, useNormalizedData ; if! matchingStaticResults! matchingStaticResults. lastSuccessfulQuery! query; if this. options. options. this. options. staticResults. options. staticResults[groupName]; if group. prototype. options. options. options. options. prototype. this. options. this. options. staticResults. options. staticResults[groupName]; if group. results. slice 0, group. maxItems ; if group. sort group. options. group. predicate group. newStaticResults. options. group. options. options. createNs tracking, 'ta. tracking', 'typeahead' ; nsExporter. performance. performance. define.
次のwindow. page. init JSON. japan. japan. japan. japan. japan. japan. japan. japan. japan. tripadvisor. page. init JSON. tripadvisor. rollupAmdShim. userAgent. indexOf 'MSIE 10. userAgent. toLowerCase. userAgent. toLowerCase. indexOf "msie 11. appVersion. height - window. userAgent. test navigator. test navigator. plugins['Shockwave Flash']. ShockwaveFlash'. RequestFileSystem window. webkitRequestFileSystem; if! fs typeof fs! exportTo exports, "ta. define. rollupAmdShim. define. element. find ". questions" ; if! util. error. element. find ". find ". finalMessage". element. find '. answer'. target ; if! answerElem. closest ". util. error. closest ". element. find ". questions" ; if! util. error. record! questionElem? find ". checkbox-checked". find ". removeClass "checkbox-border" ; answerElem. find ". attr "data-security-token" ; if! util. error. param rather than Object. toQueryString to generate url, since it seems that Object. js, which should not be present on newer responsive pages new ta. util. util. error. attr "data-id" ; if! parse ls. push id ; ls. element. find ". question" ; if! util. error. element. find ". define. getElementsByClassName "contentChoice" [0]. img. naturalWidth! document. body. A width of 0 indicates the element is not visible. Don't send another. require ["trhtml! We don't need its content. querySelector '. mapImg' ; if! newContainer! define. taBrowser. taBrowser. documentElement. documentElement. win win. closed typeof win. setPIDCookie 38821 ; window. define. getAttribute 'data-clickSource' , 'label': el. source, action "CLICK", label info. define. querySelector ". classList. querySelector ". messageContainer. messageContainer. getAttribute "data-persist-once-per-geo" ; taRecord. querySelector ". primaryText[data-link]. target. split ' ' ; taRecord. addGARecordMevt. apply taRecord, babelHelpers. trackElement event. target, widget. target. classList; if classList. define. choices', widget. more-options', widget. element. checked; Filters[isChecked? 'set' : 'clear'] paramName, target. parentElement. getAttribute 'data-tracker' , target. checked? element. node-preserve', widget. element. split ','. element. get. valMap[input. node-preserve', widget. element. node-preserve', widget. element. define. choices', widget. more-options', widget. element. name', widget. element. html , null, allOptionsContent, 'div' , Position. parentElement. getAttribute 'data-tracker' , 0 ; Filters. set paramName, element. element. element. node-preserve', widget. element. removeClass "is-hidden-tablet" ; widget. node-preserve', widget. element. node-preserve', widget. element. Event'. pageXOffset document. documentElement. scrollLeft, window. pageYOffset document. documentElement. this. form. elements['q']. value. form. locNotFound. hidden". addClass 'focusClear' ; elmt. selectPopup. langSelectOption', selectPopup. selectPopup. val el. 1 : 2 ; selectedField. html el. max oldwidth, newwidth ; selectedField. removeClass 'hidden' ; if selectedField. location. location. location. length? selectedFilter. taStore. widgets. calendar. result. LODGING". getRepoll ; repoll. setPageUrl href ; repoll. exportTo taSearch, 'ta. common. str! str. parse sessionStorage. results. resolve response deferred. resolve response deferred. push ' ' ; results. rendered]; html. push ' ' ; html. push e. title ; html. push ' ' ; html. push '' ; e. type; tmpElm. firstChild. push results. map itemWrap. join '' ; html. exports. iconFontMap : exports. keys avatars. '' : details. choice. avatar? getAvatarUrl choice. iconMap[choice. parent. poiClasses; if! geoClasses; html. push ' ' ; html. push ' ' ; if options. push ' ' ; html. push typeof choice. choice. order : '?? ' ; html. choice. score : '?? push name ; if choice. details. push ' ' ; html. push ' ' ; if choice. ' user-avatar' : ''; html. push ' ' ; html. details. details. choice. details. push '' ; html. push '' ; if options. type. scope. results. push choice ; if choice. children. data. query. push '• name. push '• escapeHTML search. name. details. name, ' ', choice. details. address, '' ]. data. results! data. results. push '• ' ; if r. title! title; html. push r. rendered ; html. push '' ; return html. type? choice. type. push ' ' ; s. push ' ' ; s. push choice. rendered ; s. push '' ; if choiceInfo. headerType! push '' ; return s. source. value. options. options. value. options. value. options. clearDefaultTextOnFocus! options. source. removeClass this. options. defaultTextClass ; this. source. options. options. this. preventDefault ; evnt. stopPropagation ; if this. options. results. options. setSelectedIndex this. options. call this ; this. options. this. options. validator this. options. options. getUrlFromForm this. source. event. type : ""; this. options. abortSearch ; this. hide ; this. source. form. highlightNextChoice ; evnt. preventDefault ; evnt. hightlightPreviousChoice ; evnt. preventDefault ; evnt. restore ; this. options. this. preventDefault ; evnt. stopPropagation ; this. options. options. this. source. value. source. value; if this. clearTimeout this. this. options. enableQueryDelay this. results. setSelectedIndex this. options. cycleInput? geoId : undefined, fromHistory: fromHistory, hadHistory: hadHistory, type : result. type, value : val, indexInType : result. indexInType? result. indexInType : 0, tagId : result. tagId? result. tagId : 0, source : name, startTime : startTime, selDepth : idx, isChild : result. isChild, totalNum : totalN, userInteractionType : userInteractionType, errors : errors, query : query, dataType : result. this. options. options. options. options. options. staticResults. options. staticResults. history. options. staticResults. history. results. options. name, startTime: this. options. startTime, source: source, linkedTypeAhead : this. options. linkedTypeAhead? this. options. linkedTypeAhead. options. startTime : void 0, hadHistory: hadHistory, scope: geoId, searchSessionId: getSearchSessionId this. options. options. options. source. removeClass this. options. defaultTextClass ; this. source. call this ; if! this. options. options. lastSuccessfulQuery! query; if this. options. options. options. options. this. this. options. options. call this ; if this. bind this , this. options. tabPressed; this. this. options. restoreOnFocus this. options. this. setSelectedIndex -1 ; this. container. options. select tabPressed, tabPressed? options. autoSelectFirst? 0 : -1; if this. options. results. options. setSelectedIndex this. options. call this ;! select tabPressed, tabPressed? source. source. options. defaultValue; if this. options. addClass this. source, this. options. options. options. tagName! hasClass elmt, selector typeof elmt. tagName. options. results. options. items. setSelectedIndex i ; highlightChoice. source. options. options. options. options. find this. options. options. options. options. source. source. form. elements. source. form. elements[i]; if this. source. form. options. options. syncro. query , value : this. source. value , result : this. results [ this. this. show onBlur. options. options. options. prototype. options. options. prototype. renderResults this. addClass this. container, this. options. errorClass ; api. addClass this. source, this. options. errorClass ;! render this. options. errorTemplate error ; this. options. options. prototype. this. container. container. container. prototype. this. container this. visible! this. container. childNodes. getPosition this. getSize this. x pos. y pos. top; if this. options. container. style. container. style. container. style. options. hasClass document. container. style. container. style. options. options. container. style[this. options. options. container. style. options. container. style. container. style. options. options. getSize this. container ; this. container. style. options. container. style. options. options. options. onShow this ; if this. options. options. onResize. bind null, this ; api. addEvent window, 'resize', this. prototype. this. visible! this. options. hasClass document. container. style. container. style. container. style[typeof this. options. this. options. options. options. onHide this ; if this. removeEvent window, 'resize', this. prototype. prototype. prototype. hide ; if this. selected. removeClass 'selected' ; self. items [ self. selectedIndex ]; api. addClass self. selected, 'selected' ; self. source. options. resolveSelection self. results [ self. selectedIndex ] ; self. options. options. onSelect self. results [ self. selectedIndex ], self. source. options. options. onSync self. query, self. source. value, self. results [ self. this. source. query ; this. prototype. setSelectedIndex -1 ; this. prototype. prototype. prototype. source. options. prototype. results data; if! api. query. query this. normalized. normalized. getStaticResultsMatchingQuery query, useNormalizedData ; if! matchingStaticResults! matchingStaticResults. lastSuccessfulQuery! query; if this. options. options. this. options. staticResults. options. staticResults[groupName]; if group. prototype. options. options. options. options. prototype. this. options. this. options. staticResults. options. staticResults[groupName]; if group. results. slice 0, group. maxItems ; if group. sort group. options. group. predicate group. newStaticResults. options. group. options. options. createNs tracking, 'ta. tracking', 'typeahead' ; nsExporter. performance. performance. define.